Wednesday 10 September 2008

Bestival review: Amy Winehouse

Who: Amy Winehouse

Dress codification: Nautical but nice - the band ar all decked out like sailors, while Wino sings ("sings") from behind a ship's steering wheel.

Who's observation: The biggest crowd of the festival so far - and most of them are distinctly here for the car crash.

In a nutshell: OK, so I'm one of about three people on earth who watched The Wino play Glastonbury this year and came back proclaiming it a triumph. But if Guardian blog commenters thought that was a bad express, they should have seen this. Admittedly, things got better. They had to - the first sung dynasty (Addicted, I think) was barely recognizable, thanks to the fact Amy alone sang about 23% of the lyrics. But even when she got her voice back, the whole thing felt a piece nasty, overstepping the progressively thin line between troubled genius and total butchery. Maybe if we hadn't just washed-out an hour dancing to Hot Chip, whose rave-tastic set blew the mud halfway to Newport, it wouldn't have seemed so bad. But we had, and in comparison to that, a set of half-sung Sam Cooke and Zutons covers from a woman world Health Organization could just stand-up straightforward didn't incisively top off the night in style.

Bestival: She sour up, she played, there was no riot.

Worstival: The wait for her to get onstage - about 80 transactions, but it felt like hours.

More info

Sunday 31 August 2008

Mp3 music: Public Enemy

Public Enemy

Artist: Public Enemy: mp3 download


Rap: Hip-Hop
Drum & Bass


Public Enemy's discography:

How You Sell Soul To A Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???

 How You Sell Soul To A Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul???

   Year: 2007   

Tracks: 19
Rebirth of a Nation

 Rebirth of a Nation

   Year: 2006   

Tracks: 14
Bring that Beat Back: the Remix Project

 Bring that Beat Back: the Remix Project

   Year: 2006   

Tracks: 10
Power To The People and The Beats: Public Enemy's Greatest Hits

 Power To The People and The Beats: Public Enemy's Greatest Hits

   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 18
It Takes A Nation-The First London Invasion Tour 1987

 It Takes A Nation-The First London Invasion Tour 1987

   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 19
Bootleg (BTR001)

 Bootleg (BTR001)

   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 2
The Best Of

 The Best Of

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 16


   Year: 2002   

Tracks: 21
Yo! Bum Rush The Show

 Yo! Bum Rush The Show

   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 12
It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back

 It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back

   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 16
Muse Sick-N-Hour Message

 Muse Sick-N-Hour Message

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 21
Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age

 Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 21
Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black

 Apocalypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black

   Year: 1991   

Tracks: 14
It Takes A Nation Of Millions...

 It Takes A Nation Of Millions...

   Year: 1988   

Tracks: 16
Yo! Bumrush The Show

 Yo! Bumrush The Show

   Year: 1987   

Tracks: 12

Public Enemy rewrote the rules of hip-hop, comely the most influential and controversial dab group of the tardy '80s and, for many, the classical hip-hop mathematical group of all time. Building from Run-D.M.C.'s street-oriented beatniks and Boogie Down Productions' proto-gangsta riming, Public Enemy pioneered a variation of hard-core rap that was musically and politically revolutionary. With his powerful, authoritative baritone, lead knocker Chuck D riming to the highest degree all kinds of societal problems, in particular those plaguing the smuggled community, often condoning revolutionary tactics and social activism. In the litigate, he directed hip-hop toward an explicitly self-aware, pro-black knowingness that became the culture's key signature end-to-end the next decennary.

Musically, Public Enemy was precisely as revolutionary, as their production team, the Bomb Squad, created dense soundscapes that relied on vanguard cut-and-paste techniques, unrecognisable samples, stabbing sirens, persistent beatniks, and abstruse funk. It was chaotic and invigorating euphony, made all the more heady by Chuck D's emphatic vocals and the absurdist raps of his comic enhancer, Flavor Flav. With his comic dark glasses and an outsized clock suspension from his neck opening, Flav became the group's ocular focal dot, but he never obscured the medicine. While rap and stone critics embraced the group's late-'80s and early-'90s records, Public Enemy often ran into tilt with their warlike stance and lyrics, especially after their 1988 album It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back made them into celebrities. After all the tilt settled in the early '90s, erstwhile the chemical group entered a hiatus, it became gain that Public Enemy was the most influential and chemical group band of their time.

Ditch D (natural Carlton Ridenhour, August 1, 1960) formed Public Enemy in 1982, as he was poring over graphical figure at Adelphi University on Long Island. He had been DJing at the bookman radiocommunication station WBAU, where he met Hank Shocklee and Bill Stephney. All trey divided up a love of rap music and politics, which made them close friends. Shocklee had been assembling rap music demo tapes, and Ridenhour rapped over 1 vocal, "Public Enemy No. 1," around the same time he began appearing on Stephney's radio receiver show under the Chuckie D pseudonym. Def Jam cofounder and producer Rick Rubin heard a tapeline of "World Enemy No. 1" and immediately courted Ridenhour in hopes of sign language him to his fledgeling mark.

Be sick D initially was loth, just he finally developed a construct for a literally revolutionary hip-hop radical -- one that would be impelled by sonically extreme productions and socially revolutionary politics. Enlisting Shocklee as his chief producer and Stephney as a publicist, Chuck D formed a crew with DJ Terminator X (natural Norman Lee Rogers, August 25, 1966) and mate Nation of Islam member Professor Griff (natural Richard Griffin) as the choreographer of the group's computer backup dancers, the Security of the First World, world Health Organization performed homages to honest-to-goodness Stax and Motown dancers with their warlike moves and sham Uzis. He too asked his honest-to-goodness friend William Drayton (natural March 16, 1959) to join as a fellow rapper. Drayton developed an alter self-importance called Flavor Flav, world Health Organization functioned as a courtyard motley fool to Chuck D's booming voice and sober rhymes in Public Enemy.

Public Enemy's debut album, Yo! Bum Rush the Show, was released on Def Jam Records in 1987. Its redundant beats and powerful rhetoric were acclaimed by rap critics and aficionados, but the record was ignored by the stone and R&B mainstream. However, their mo album, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, was out of the question to ignore. Under Shocklee's direction, PE's production team, the Bomb Squad, developed a thick, helter-skelter ruffle that relied as a great deal on institute sounds and van noise as it did on old school casimir Funk. Similarly, Chuck D's rhetoric gained focusing and Flavor Flav's raps were wilder and funnier. A Nation of Millions was hailed as revolutionary by both rap and rock critics, and it was -- rap had suddenly became a force for social modification.

As Public Enemy's profile was raised, they opened themselves up to argument. In a ill-famed statement, Chuck D claimed that rap was "the pitch-black CNN," relating what was occurrent in the inner urban center in a way that mainstream media could non project. Public Enemy's lyrics were by nature dissected in the wake of such a financial statement, and many critics were uncomfortable with the positive endorsement of black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan on "Bring in the Noise." "Fight the Power," Public Enemy's theme for Spike Lee's controversial 1989 film Do the Right Thing, besides caused an garboil for its attacks on Elvis Presley and John Wayne, merely that was well overshadowed by an question Professor Griff gave The Washington Post that summertime. Griff had antecedently aforesaid antisemitic remarks onstage, merely his quotation that Jews were responsible for "the legal age of the repulsiveness that goes on across the globe" was greeted with shock absorber and outrage, especially by white critics wHO previously embraced the grouping. Faced with a major crisis, Chuck D faltered. First he discharged Griff, then brought him stake, so skint up the grouping solely. Griff gave one more than question where he attacked Chuck D and PE, which lED to his lasting going from the group.

Public Enemy spent the difference of 1989 preparing their third album, releasing "Receive to the Terrordome" as its start single in early 1990. Again, the strike single caused contention as its lyrics "still they got me like Jesus" were labelled antisemitic by some living quarters. Despite all the arguing, Fear of a Black Planet was released to enthusiastic reviews in the spring of 1990, and it shooter into the pop Top Ten as the singles "911 Is a Joke," "Brothers Gonna Work It Out," and "Can't Do Nuttin' for Ya Man" became Top 40 R&B hits. For their next record album, 1991's Revelation of Saint John the Divine 91...The Enemy Strikes Black, the mathematical group re-recorded "Bring the Noise" with thrash metal band Anthrax, the start sign that the grouping was nerve-racking to consolidate their whiteness audience. Book of Revelation 91 was greeted with overwhelmingly positively charged reviews upon its fall passing, and it debuted at number 4 on the pop charts, merely the circle began to lose momentum in 1992 as they toured with the second base leg of U2's Zoo TV hitch and Flavor Flav was repeatedly in trouble with the practice of law. In the fall of 1992, they released the remix collection Sterling Misses as an attempt to keep their key viable, merely it was greeted to compressed reviews.

Public Enemy was on hiatus during 1993, as Flav attempted to ablactate himself off drugs, returning in the summer of 1994 with Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age. Prior to its ease, it was subjected to pass negative reviews in Rolling Stone and The Source, which affected the percept of the album well. Muse Sick debuted at number 14, merely it apace fell off the charts as it failed to return whatever singles. Chuck D retired Public Enemy from touring in 1995 as he skip off ties with Def Jam, developed his possess record pronounce and publishing company, and attempted to rethink Public Enemy. In 1996, he released his start debut album, The Autobiography of Mistachuck. As it was released in the diminish, he proclaimed that he planned to record a new Public Enemy track record album the following year.

Ahead that disk was made, Chuck D published an autobiography in the fall of 1997. During 1997, Chuck D reassembled the original Bomb Squad and began act upon on trio albums. In the spring of 1998, Public Enemy kicked sour their major comeback with their soundtrack to Spike Lee's He Got Game, which was played more than like a proper album than a soundtrack. Upon its April 1998 release, the record received the strongest reviews of any Public Enemy record album since Apocalypse '91...The Enemy Strikes Black. After Def Jam refused to help Chuck D's attempts to bestow PE's music straight to the hoi polloi via the Internet, he gestural the group to the web-savvy independent Atomic Pop. Before the retail release of Public Enemy's seventh LP, There's a Poison Goin' On..., the label made MP3 files of the album available on the Internet. It finally appeared in stores in July 1999.

After a three-year break from transcription and a switching to the In the Paint label, Public Enemy released Revolverlution, a mix of modern tracks, remixes, and live cuts. The CD/DVD combo It Takes a Nation appeared in 2005. The multimedia packet contained an hourlong picture of the dance orchestra live in London in 1987 and a CD with rarified remixes. The new album New Whirl Odor as well appeared in 2005. The "special projects" album Conversion of a Nation -- an album with all rhymes written by Bay Area rapper Paris -- was supposed to be released right along with it, only didn't look until early the next yr. The hotchpotch accumulation Beat generation and Places appeared before the end of 2006. Featuring the unmarried "Harder Than You Think," How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? arrived in the summer of 2007.

Britney Spears, Jonas Brothers Battle It Out For VMA Video Of The Year

Thursday 21 August 2008

Pubs In Edinburgh Invited To Call Last Orders On Asthma

�Pubs in Edinburgh are being invited to show they suffer the brainiest regulars in Scotland - and raise some much-needed funds for Asthma UK Scotland at the same time.

To help lionise its 15th birthday, the charity is organising a national quiz competition - Call Last Orders on Asthma.

Shona Haslam, National Director at Asthma UK Scotland, says: 'One in five households in Scotland is affected by asthma so the chances ar there volition always be someone in the saloon who has the stipulation or at least know someone world Health Organization does.

'Asthma is serious - every 16 minutes a child is admitted to hospital due to an asthma attack attack and a person dies every seven hours as a result of asthma. Through further research and education about asthma management we can help oneself improve these figures and the lives of people with asthma.

'That's why we ar hoping as many pubs as possible help us celebrate our birthday by supporting the 390,000 people in Scotland with asthma - and stakes their claim for the title of Scotland's brainiest pub.'

To order a fifteenth Anniversary 'Call Last Orders on Asthma' quiz pack call 0131 226 2544 or electronic mail The quiz backpack contains questions, answers, and a guide to linear the quiz and top side fundraising tips to serve raise money on the night - all the things you need to make the night a memorable one.

Alternatively if you are unable to hold a quiz just would still like to support Asthma UK Scotland you can order our general fundraising pack or simply request a compendium tin for your bar.


1. Asthma UK is the charity dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the 5.2 billion people in the UK whose lives are affected by asthma attack. Asthma UK Scotland is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the 390,000 citizenry in Scotland whose lives are affected by asthma.

2. For cutting-edge news on asthma, entropy and publications, visit the Asthma UK website hypertext transfer protocol://www.bronchial

3. For sovereign and secret advice on asthma, call the Asthma UK Adviceline, which is staffed by asthma harbour specialists. It is open weekdays from 9am to 5pm on 08457 01 02 03. Or electronic mail an asthma attack nurse at

Asthma UK

More info

Monday 11 August 2008

Razorlight's Johnny Borrell Blasts Coldplay's New Military Look

Razorlight frontman Johnny Borrell has no interest in copying Coldplay when the band come back with a unexampled look for their following album, according to reports.

Coldplay's disquieted military appear, which they adopted for their up-to-the-minute album 'Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends', has been the depicted object of much debate.

And Borrell, world Health Organization spent the last Razorlight album dressed in all-white, says he has no interest in the image.

�Nah, it would be overly much like when Coldplay came back in those weird suits,� he told the Daily Star.

Razorlight are understood to be cathartic their third album at the beginning of 2009.

What do you think of Coldplay's military look? Check out the pictures under and put your thoughts in the comment form at the bottom of the page.

Become a member of Gigwise and your comments will appear automatically.

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Wednesday 6 August 2008

Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna

Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna   
Artist: Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna



A Celtic Romance (The Legend..   
 A Celtic Romance (The Legend..

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 12

A Celtic Romance   
 A Celtic Romance

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 12

A Celtic Tale: The Legend of Deirdre   
 A Celtic Tale: The Legend of Deirdre

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 12

A Celtic Tale   
 A Celtic Tale

Tracks: 12


Soundalive Consort

Thursday 19 June 2008

Coldplay - Coldplay Slam Plagiarism Claims

British rockers COLDPLAY have denied reports they plagiarised the music of an American band for their new album VIVA LA VIDA.

New York-based Creaky Boards claim that frontman Chris Martin was spotted attending one of their gigs and his band went on to use one of their melodies for a track on their latest LP.

Songwriter Andrew Hoepfner said: "We were flattered when we thought we saw Chris Martin in the crowd that night. He seemed pretty into it. Maybe too into it.

"The crazy thing is that my song is actually called 'The Songs I Didn't Write'."

But a spokesman for Coldplay has dismissed the claims, saying, "Viva La Vida was written and demoed in March 2007, which is more than six months before this band claim Chris went to see them!

"We totally refute their claims."

Martin has also denied attending the Creaky Boards gig - claiming he was in London at the time.

See Also

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Kidman looking to relocate

Nicole Kidman wants to live closer to Cate Blanchett, reports. The Moulin Rouge! star is so keen to relocate she has put two of her Australian properties on the market. Her Sydney villa has been valued at $19 million US, while her beachfront retreat on the New South Wales coast is on the market for $3.8 million.

Kidman � who is expecting her first child with husband Keith Urban in July � wants to buy a house with a larger garden, and is rumoured to be looking at properties that are closer to her family and friend Blanchett.

Kidman lived in the Sydney villa with her ex-husband Tom Cruise, and was awarded the property in their divorce settlement. The 40-year-old actress bought the beachfront retreat in 2004, but has only visited it a handful of times according to local residents. Kidman and her husband are also planning to spend more time in the U.S. at their Nashville property so Urban can concentrate on his music career.

See Also